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Prosthion | definition of prosthion by Medical dictionary
    pros·thi·on. ( pros'thē-on) The most anterior point on the maxillary alveolar process in the midline. Synonym (s): alveolar point. [G. ntr. of prosthios, foremost] Medical Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing © Farlex 2012.

Prosthion Definition & Meaning | Merriam-Webster Medical
    The meaning of PROSTHION is a point on the alveolar arch midway between the median upper incisor teeth —called also alveolar point. a point on the alveolar arch …

Prostheon | definition of prostheon by Medical dictionary
    Prostheon | definition of prostheon by Medical dictionary TheFreeDictionary prostheon Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus . pros·thi·on ( pros'thē-on ), The most anterior point on …

Prosthion Definition & Meaning |
    prosthion. [ pros-thee-on ] SHOW IPA. noun Craniometry. the most forward projecting point of the anterior surface of the upper jaw, in the midsagittal plane. TAKE THE …

Medical Dictionary - Merriam-Webster
    Medical Terms and Abbreviations: Merriam-Webster Medical Dictionary Est. 1828 Medical Dictionary Search medical terms and abbreviations with the most up-to-date and comprehensive medical dictionary from the …

Basion-prosthion line Definition & Meaning - Merriam …
    noun. : a line from the basion to the prosthion.

Prosthion - definition of prosthion by The Free Dictionary
    Noun. 1. prosthion - craniometric point that is the most anterior point in the midline on the alveolar process of the maxilla. alveolar point, prostheon. craniometric point - a …

Prosthesis | definition of prosthesis by Medical dictionary
    n. pl. prosthe·ses (-sēz) 1. An artificial device used to replace a missing body part, such as a limb, tooth, eye, or heart valve. 2. Replacement of a missing body part with such a …

Prostheon - definition of prostheon by The Free Dictionary
    1. prostheon - craniometric point that is the most anterior point in the midline on the alveolar process of the maxilla alveolar point, prosthion craniometric point - a landmark on the …

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