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Receptor | definition of receptor by Medical dictionary
    1. a molecule on the cell surface (cell-surface or membrane receptor) or within a cell, usually in its nucleus (nuclear receptor) that recognizes and binds with specific molecules, producing some effect in the cell; e.g., the cell-surface receptors of …

Receptor Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    receptor noun re· cep· tor ri-ˈsep-tər 1 : a cell or group of cells that receives stimuli : sense organ 2 : a molecule (as protein) on the surface or in the inside of a cell that recognizes …

Receptors | definition of Receptors by Medical dictionary
    1. a molecule on the cell surface (cell-surface or membrane receptor) or within a cell, usually in its nucleus (nuclear receptor) that recognizes and binds with specific molecules, …

receptor | Taber's Medical Dictionary
    receptor (ri-sep′tŏr) [L. receptor, a receiver] 1. In cell biology, a structure in the cell membrane or within a cell that combines with a drug, hormone, chemical mediator, or an …

Receptor Definition & Meaning |
    noun. Physiology. an end organ or a group of end organs of sensory or afferent neurons, specialized to be sensitive to stimulating agents, as touch or heat. Cell …

Medical Definition of Receptor - MedicineNet
    Receptor: 1. In cell biology, a structure on the surface of a cell (or inside a cell) that selectively receives and binds a specific substance. There are many …

Receptor - Definition, Types and …
    A receptor is a protein which binds to a specific molecule. The molecule it binds is known as the ligand. A ligand may be any molecule, from inorganic minerals to organism-created …

Human nervous system - Receptors | Britannica
    human nervous system - Receptors | Britannica Receptors Receptors are biological transducers that convert energy from both external and internal environments into …

Receptor - definition of receptor by The Free Dictionary
    receptor ( rɪˈsɛptə) n 1. (Physiology) physiol a sensory nerve ending that changes specific stimuli into nerve impulses 2. any of various devices that receive information, signals, etc …

Medical Definition of Receptor - RxList
    Definition of Receptor. Receptor: 1. In cell biology, a structure on the surface of a cell (or inside a cell) that selectively receives and binds a specific …

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