At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Reposition Definition Medical. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Reposition | definition of reposition by …
    reposition (rē′pə-zĭsh′ən, rĕp′ə-) n. 1. The act of repositing or the condition of being reposited. 2. The return of something, such as a bone, to its proper position. tr.v. (rē′pə-) reposi·tioned, reposi·tioning, reposi·tions 1. To place or put in a new position; position …

Reposition Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    : the act of repositing : the state of being reposited reposition 2 of 2 verb re· po· si· tion ˌrē-pə-ˈzi-shən repositioned; repositioning; repositions transitive verb 1 : to …

Anatomical Terms of Movement - Flexion

    Patient Positioning Cheat Sheet
      Jul 21, 2015

    Reposition Definition & Meaning |
      reposition / ( ˌriːpəˈzɪʃən) / noun the act or process of depositing or storing surgery the return of a broken or displaced organ, or part to its normal site archaic the reinstatement …

    Patient repositioning | definition of patient repositioning …
      Turning a patient from one side to another, or from a recumbent position to a seated one, in order to facilitate patient care, perform a procedure, prevent pressure ulcers, or improve …

    Repositioning - The Prevention and …
      The aims of repositioning are to reduce or relieve the pressure on the area at risk, maintain muscle mass and general tissue integrity and ensure adequate blood supply to the at risk area. …

    Canalith repositioning procedure - Mayo …
      The canalith repositioning procedure can move these particles to a part of the ear where they won't cause dizziness. The procedure uses several simple head movements. It can be done in …

    REPOSITION | definition in the Cambridge English …
      reposition verb [T] (MOVE) to move something to a different place or position: The TAB function can be used to reposition the cursor. The tube was then repositioned. More …

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