At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Retractor Medical Term. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Retractor | definition of retractor by Medical dictionary
    re·trac·tor. ( rē-trak'tŏr) 1. An instrument for drawing aside wound edges or holding back structures adjacent to operative field. 2. Muscle that draws a body part backward, e.g., middle part of trapezius muscle is a retractor of the scapula; horizontal fibers of …

Retractor (medical) - Wikipedia

    Retractor Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
      retractor: [noun] one that retracts: such as. a surgical instrument for holding open the edges of a wound. a muscle that draws in an organ or part.

    Retractor muscles | definition of retractor muscles by …
      re·trac·tor. ( rē-trak'tŏr) 1. An instrument for drawing aside wound edges or holding back structures adjacent to operative field. 2. Muscle that draws a body part backward, e.g., …

    Retractor Definition & Meaning |
      Retractor definition, a person or thing that retracts. See more.

    Retractor - definition of retractor by The Free Dictionary
      retractor. ( rɪˈtræktə) n. 1. (Anatomy) anatomy any of various muscles that retract an organ or part. 2. (Surgery) surgery an instrument for holding back the edges of a surgical …

    Retractor (medical) : definition of Retractor (medical) and …
      Retractor (medical) Surgical retractors A retractor is a surgical instrument by which a surgeon can either actively separate the edges of a surgical incision or wound, or can …

    Medical Terms and Abbreviations: Merriam-Webster …
      Medical Dictionary. Search medical terms and abbreviations with the most up-to-date and comprehensive medical dictionary from the reference experts at Merriam-Webster. Master today's medical vocabulary. …

      Cheek Retractor: These retractors are designed to hold and retract the cheeks, tongue, or a portion of the mucosa during surgical procedures. The retractors …

    Surgical Retractors - Types, Usage & Options - Lumitex
      Surgical retractors are not all created equal and choosing the right one with illumination is key. 440-243-8401. Applications Light Therapy; Medical HMI; ... See insights we gathered from surveying …

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