At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Retroflexion Medical Definition. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Retroflexion Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    retroflexion noun ret· ro· flex· ion ˌre-trə-ˈflek-shən variants or retroflection 1 : the state of being bent back especially : the bending back of an organ (such as a uterus) upon itself 2 : the act or process of bending back 3 : retroflex articulation Word History First Known Use …

Retroflexion | definition of retroflexion by Medical dictionary
    retroflexion. [ ret″ro-flek´shun] the bending of an organ or part so that its top is thrust backward, such as bending backward of the body of the uterus upon the cervix. …

Retroflex | definition of retroflex by Medical dictionary
    retroflexion. [ ret″ro-flek´shun] the bending of an organ or part so that its top is thrust backward, such as bending backward of the body of the uterus upon the cervix. Miller …

Retroflexion in Colonoscopy: Why? Where? When?
    In this report, the term “retroflexion” refers to making a U-turn with the bending section of the colonoscope, so that the viewing lens is looking backward …

What Is Retroflexion In Upper Endoscopy? - HealthCentral
    Retroflexion is a term used to discuss how the camera was turned to look at generally the upper part of the stomach. Because of the way the stomach is shaped, if the doctor went …

Use of a retroflexion technique during colonoscopy in
    Retroflexion identified an additional 68 polyps and 54 adenomatous polyps. This represented a per-adenomatous polyp miss rate of 9.8 percent and an intention-to …

Retroflexion in the Rectum - Sigmoid Colon - RR School Of Nursing
    Retroflexion of the rectal pouch is a medical procedure that involves the use of a specialized tool to turn the rectum and lower part of the colon backward …

Retroflexion - definition of retroflexion by The Free …
    retroflection. n. 1. the act or condition of bending or being bent backwards. 2. (Phonetics & Phonology) phonetics the act of turning the tip of the tongue upwards and …

Rectal retroflexion: an essential part of lower …
    Purpose: Retroflexion of the endoscope during rectal examination may increase diagnostic yield but is not routinely performed because of concerns about safety …

Retroflex - definition of retroflex by The Free Dictionary
    1. Bent, curved, or turned backward. 2. Pronounced with the tip of the tongue turned back against the roof of the mouth. n. A sound pronounced with the tongue in retroflex position, …

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