At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Rhombencephalitis Medical Definition. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Rhombencephalitis | definition of rhombencephalitis by …
    rhombencephalitis. Brainstem infection, a disease that is most often caused by the bacterium Listeria moncytogenes or by West Nile virus, Nipah viruses, or enteroviruses. The infection is often characterized by symptoms such as fever, malaise, …

Rhomboencephalitis | Practical Neurology
    Rhomboencephalitis—inflammation of the brainstem and cerebellum—has myriad clinical presentations including encephalopathy, cranial neuropathies, long tract signs and cerebellar …

Rhombencephalitis | Radiology Reference Article

    Rhombencephalitis / brainstem encephalitis - PubMed
      Rhombencephalitis (RE) is a syndrome of multiple causes and multiple outcomes. Most authors now use the terms "rhombencephalitis" and "brainstem encephalitis" …

    Rhomboencephalitis | definition of rhomboencephalitis by …
      rhombencephalitis. Brainstem infection, a disease that is most often caused by the bacterium Listeria moncytogenes or by West Nile virus, Nipah viruses, or …

    Rhombencephalitis: a series of 97 patients - PubMed
      The term rhombencephalitis refers to inflammatory diseases affecting the hindbrain (brainstem and cerebellum). Rhombencephalitis has a wide variety of etiologies, some of …

    Rhombencephalosynapsis | Radiology Reference Article …
      Rhombencephalosynapsis is a congenital abnormality of the cerebellum characterized by the absence of the vermis and continuity of the cerebellar hemispheres, dentate nuclei, and superior cerebellar peduncles.

    Rhombencephalon | definition of rhombencephalon by …
      rhombencephalon. [ rom″ben-sef´ah-lon] 1. the portion of the brain developed from the most caudal of the three primary brain vesicles of the early embryo, comprising the …

    Rhombencephalic | definition of rhombencephalic by …
      1. the portion of the brain developed from the most caudal of the three primary brain vesicles of the early embryo, comprising the metencephalon and myelencephalon. …

    Rhombencephalons | definition of rhombencephalons by …
      [rom″ben-sef´ah-lon] 1.the portion of the brain developed from the most caudal of the three primary brain vesicles of the early embryo, comprising the …

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