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Divers Medical Questionnaire

    The RSTC 'Medical Statement' form has been updated
      The 'Medical Statement' form' is currently used by the majority of divers undertaking training. It was first published in 1989. The Process. The initial impetus for …

    SSI Medical Statement | Dive BVI
      SSI Medical Statement and Health Declaration. The SSI Medical Statement is a mandatory form, required by the RSTC (Recreational Scuba Training Council), …

    Dive Mentor | RSTC Medical Form
      RSTC Medical Form While Scuba Diving is incredibly fun and almost always safe for divers who follow well established rules, the sport does bring with it inherent risks. As such, you …

    New Medical Screening System for Divers - PADI Pros
      Diver Medical Physician’s Evaluation Form is completed by the physician evaluating the diving candidate for diving suitability when a physician’s approval to dive is necessary. Diving Medical Guidance to the Physician …

    The PADI Medical Statement - Scuba Diving Tips
      The PADI Medical Form also called the PADI Medical Statement, is a form created and approved by the WRSTC. A filled-in PADI Medical Form is needed every time you take a …

      Medical Statement Diver Medical Fitness Assessment All students participating in pool dives or open water dives at Aquatic Adventures, Inc. are required to provide a medical …

    Downloadable PADI Forms and Paperwork | PADI
      English Courses Conservation Travel Shop Membership PADI Forms Before participating in PADI courses or programs, all student divers must complete paperwork, such as a brief …

    MEDICAL STATEMENT - Dive Rescue International
      Medical Statement or the Medical Questionnaire section call Dive Rescue International at 800 248-3483. Please answer the following questions on your past or present medical …

    World Recreational Scuba Training Council
      MISSION STATEMENT The World Recreational Scuba Training Council (WRSTC) is dedicated to the worldwide safety of the recreational diving public. As such, one of the WRSTC’s primary goals is the development of …

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