At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Sacro Medical Definition. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Sacroiliitis - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic
    Sacroiliitis (say-kroe-il-e-I-tis) is a painful condition that affects one or both sacroiliac joints. These joints sit where the lower spine and pelvis meet. Sacroiliitis can cause pain and stiffness in the buttocks or lower back, and the pain might go down one or both legs. Standing or sitting for a long time or climbing stairs can mak… See more

Sacroiliitis; Symptoms, Causes, Management
    What is sacroiliitis? Sacroiliitis is the inflammation of one or both of your sacroiliac joints. These two joints are located where the sacrum (the triangular last section of the spine) …

Sacro- | definition of sacro- by Medical dictionary
    sacro- , sacr- The sacrum. [L. os sacrum, sacred bone] Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 sacro- , sacr- Combining forms denoting muscular substance; …

Sacroiliac Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    : of, relating to, or being the region of the joint between the sacrum and ilium sacroiliac pain sacroiliac 2 of 2 noun : the sacroiliac region also : its firm fibrous cartilage Example …

Sacroiliac | definition of sacroiliac by Medical dictionary
    sacroiliac disease chronic tuberculous inflammation of the sacroiliac joint. sacroiliac joint the joint formed by the sacrum and ilium where they meet on either side of the lower …

Sacrum | definition of sacrum by Medical dictionary
    sacrum. (sa'krum) [L., sacred] The triangular bone situated dorsal and caudal from the two ilia between the fifth lumbar vertebra and the coccyx. It is formed of five united …

Sacrum | Spine-health
    The sacrum is at the bottom of the spine and lies between the fifth lumbar segment and the coccyx (tailbone). The sacrum is a triangular-shaped bone and consists of five …

SACRO | definition of SACRO by Medical dictionary
    Sacro GRA: in un'alba dorata, intravista tra le fronde delle palme, nello scampanellio di un pascolo frammisto al suono del traffico, riprende le riflessioni del botanico, il suo …

Sacro- Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    Sacro- Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster Definition Entries Near Show more Save Word sacro- see sacr- Love words? You must — there are over 200,000 words in our …

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