At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Salient Factors Influencing Medical Tourism Destination Choice. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Salient factors influencing medical tourism destination choice - SCU
    It is therefore important for decisionmakers to have access to a thorough research-based analysis of the salient factors that determine the choice of a medical-tourism destination. To address the substantive research question of identifying the salient factors that …

Salient factors influencing medical tourism destination choice
    in combination. In medical tourism destination choice situation which is considered a risky decision, prospective medical tourists tend to rely on information from particular sources …

Salient factors influencing medical tourism destination …
    The factors affecting the selection of medical tourism destinations were determined to be, in order of importance, accessibility of health care service, level of security and safety, …

Factors affecting the choice of medical tourism …
    The objective of this research is to make an empirical analysis of the social, economic, and behavioral factors that influence the decision to travel for medical …

Factors Affecting Destination Choice in …
    The most important factors that medical tourists find in choosing destinations are quality health …

Factors Affecting Destination Choice in Medical Tourism
    with a conceptual framework and the 3 concepts of medical tourism, destination choice, and destination image. In determining the model used for the current study, each concept was …

Factors influencing selection of medical tourism …
    Some studies have focused on identifying the factors affecting the selection of medical tourism destinations with regard to different types of treatment. But less attention has …

Factors influencing selection of medical …
    When it comes to selecting a destination in medical tourism considering the motivational factors and the main push and pull items are the priority for evaluation …

Factors Affecting Destination Choice in Medical Tourism - IJTMGH
    The factors affecting the selection of medical tourism destinations were determined to be, in order of importance, accessibility of health care service (X̄ = 4.68 ± 1.073), level of …

Exploring the Factors that Affect the Choice of …
    Exploring the Factors that Affect the Choice of Destination for Medical Tourism. 317 tempting to improve its transportation infrastructure, there are other countries such as …

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