At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Saluresis Medical Definition. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Saluresis | definition of saluresis by Medical dictionary
    saluresis: [ sal″u-re´sis ] excretion of sodium and chloride in the urine.

Saluretic | definition of saluretic by Medical dictionary
    saluretic: [ sal″u-ret´ik ] 1. pertaining to or promoting saluresis . 2. an agent that so acts.

Saluretic Definition & Meaning |
    Saluretic definition, of or relating to a substance that promotes renal excretion of sodium and chloride ions. See more.

Saluretic Definition and Examples - Biology Online …
    Saluretic in the largest biology dictionary online. Free learning resources for students covering all major areas of biology. ... It is not intended to provide medical, …

Kaliuresis | definition of kaliuresis by Medical dictionary
    kaliuresis: (K) [ po-tas´e-um ] a chemical element, atomic number 19, atomic weight 39.102. (See Appendix 6.) In combination with other minerals in the body, potassium forms …

Saluresis: Definition with Saluresis Pictures and Photos
    Medical Definition of Saluresis. 1. Excretion of sodium in the urine. Origin: L. Sal, salt, + G. Ouresis, uresis (urination) (05 Mar 2000) Lexicographical Neighbors of Saluresis. salty …

Sudoresis | definition of sudoresis by Medical dictionary
    sudoresis: ( sū'dō-rē'sis ), Profuse sweating. [sudor- + G. -ēsis, condition]

-uresis | definition of -uresis by Medical dictionary
    -uresis: word element [Gr.], urinary excretion of. adj., adj -uret´ic.

Anuresis | definition of anuresis by Medical dictionary
    anuria A state characterised by a paucity of urine production, usually understood to mean less than 50 ml/day. Aetiology Acute renal failure, which may be due to shock or …

Uresis | definition of uresis by Medical dictionary
    uresis: ( yūr'i-nā'shŭn ), The passing of urine. Synonym(s): miction , micturition (1) , uresis

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