At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Sanlam Reality Medical Aid. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Sanlam Reality | Fedhealth Medical Aid
    Sanlam Reality is a lifestyle, wellness, rewards and financial education programme available to all Fedhealth members. Membership to Reality Access for Fedhealth is FREE to …

Medical Insurance | Medical Aid & Gap Cover | Sanlam
    From R233 for individuals, and R409 for families, Sanlam Medical Gap Cover Insurance provides towards the difference between what your medical aid pays and the rates …

Choosing The Right Medical Aid | Sanlam …
    any emergency medical condition (anything sudden and unexpected that requires immediate medical …

Reality Access For Fedhealth | Sanlam Reality
    Sanlam Reality rewards you for taking care of your money. The Reality Access for Fedhealth programme is available to all Fedhealth medical aid members. Fedhealth …

Medical Scheme Options For Individuals - Sanlam
    The right medical aid scheme can protect your health and your pocket. The right medical scheme option should provide the benefits you and your family need and should be cost …

Bonitas | Medical Aid | Sanlam Health Solutions
    Sanlam Life Insurance Ltd is an authorised Licensed Financial Services Provider (FSP 2759) and accredited by the Council of Medical Schemes (ORG 4416 ). Tendahealth is …

Sanlam Reality Access | Fedhealth Medical Aid
    All Fedhealth members enjoy automatic membership to Sanlam Reality on the Reality Access membership option. With Sanlam Reality Access, ALL Fedhealth members get …

Medical Aid with Gym Benefits | Medical Aid …
    Fedhealth & Bonitas Sanlam Reality Monthly subscription: Individual R170, Family R215 Gym activation fee: R810 Access card fee: R140 Virgin Active Tagging fee: R100 …

Health | Sanlam Reality
    Emergency Medical Response Telephonic emergency medical assistance until medical team arrives. Personal Services Trauma, Assault & HIV Assist Assistance with trauma …

Info guide - Sanlam Reality
    Sanlam Reality is a lifestyle, wellness, rewards and financial education programme available to all Bonitas members from 1 January 2016. Taking care of your money is …

Need more information about Sanlam Reality Medical Aid?

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