At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Sedate Medical Definition. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Sedate Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    Synonyms of sedate : keeping a quiet steady attitude or pace : unruffled sedately adverb sedateness noun sedate 2 of 2 verb sedated; sedating transitive verb : to dose with sedatives Synonyms Adjective earnest grave humorless no-nonsense po-faced [ British] …

Sedation | definition of sedation by Medical dictionary
    Sedation is typically used for common diagnostic tests that require prolonged immobilization such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed axial …

Sedate | definition of sedate by Medical dictionary
    tr.v. se·dated, se·dating, se·dates To administer a sedative to (a person or animal); calm by means of a sedative drug. The American Heritage® Medical Dictionary Copyright © …

Sedated Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    sedated adjective se· dat· ed si-ˈdā-təd Synonyms of sedated : being in a calm, relaxed state resulting from or as if from the effect of a sedative drug : affected by or experiencing …

Procedural Sedation | Johns Hopkins Medicine
    Procedural sedation is a medical technique. It’s used to calm a person before a procedure. It involves giving you sedatives or pain pills. These drugs ease discomfort, pain, …

Sedation: Uses, Types and Treatment
    Sedation is another name for making a person calm, usually by the administration of a sedative. It ensures people are as comfortable as possible during surgery or medical …

What Drugs Are Used for Conscious Sedation?
    Conscious sedation, medically known as procedural sedation and/or moderate sedation, is a procedure to relieve anxiety and depress the level of …

Sedate - definition of sedate by The Free …
    sedate ( sɪˈdeɪt) adj 1. habitually calm and composed in manner; serene 2. staid, sober, or decorous [C17: from Latin sēdāre to soothe; related to sedēre to sit] seˈdately adv …

Intubation: Purpose, Risks, and Recovery
    Endotracheal intubation is used in most emergency situations because the tube that gets placed through the mouth is larger and easier to insert than the …

The Difference Between Lethargy, Obtundation, Stupor, …
    Lethargy. The patient has severe drowsiness. He/she can be aroused by moderate stimuli, but then drifts back to sleep. Obtundation. “is a state similar to lethargy in which the …

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