At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Shaikh Zayed Medical College Rahim Yar Khan. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Sheikh Zayed Medical College-The SZMC Opens its Doors
    Sheikh Zayed Medical College Rahim Yar khan, Pakistan Phone:+92 68 9230165-167 Fax:+92 68 9230162 Email: [email protected]

Sheikh Zayed Medical College-Contact Us
    Sheikh Zayed Medical College/Hospital, Rahim Yar Khan, Punjab, Pakistan. TELEPHONE ADMIN Tel Exchange : (068) 9230164-165-166 Fax No : (068) 9230162 – …

Shaikh Zayed Medical College and Hospital - Wikipedia

    Sheikh Zayed Medical College-History Of Rahim Yar Khan
      There is a medical college named Sheikh Zayed Medical College. Establishment of Sheikh Zayed Medical College in the city has put the city on International map and the …

    Sheikh Zayed Medical College Admission 2022-23 [SZMC Rahim …
      Sheikh Zayed Medical College SZMC was recognized in March of 2003. It is a Government medical institute situated in RYK Punjab, Pakistan. Moreover, the …

    JSZMC | Journal of Sheikh Zayed Medical …
      Journal of Sheikh Zayed Medical College (JSZMC) is serving as a center for Health Research Publication in the Institute and Region, under Research & Development …

    Sheikh Zayed Medical College, Rahim Yar Khan Pakistan
      7th Merit List (Sheikh Zayed Medical College Rahim Yar Khan Selection List For Muzaffargarh MBBS Seats Merit List 2021) 18 Mar,2021. 7th Merit List (Sheikh …

    Sheikh Zayed Medical College/Hospital Rahim Yar Khan
      Sheikh Zayed Medical College/Hospital Rahim Yar Khan 6m · پرنسپل شیخ زاید میڈیکل کالج و ہسپتال رحیم یار خان پروفیسر ڈاکٹر محمد سلیم لغاری نے ماہانہ اموات کی آڈٹ کمیٹی کے اجلاس کی صدارت کی۔

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