At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Sialometry Medical Definition. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Sialometry | definition of sialometry by Medical dictionary
    Sialometry | definition of sialometry by Medical dictionary sialometry si·a·lom·e·try ( sī'ă-lom'ĕ-trē ), A measurement of salivary secretion, generally for a comparison of a denervated or diseased gland with its healthy counterpart. [sialo- + G. metron, measure] …

Sialometry : Johns Hopkins Sjögren’s Center
    Sialometry is a measure of saliva flow. Many different techniques have been devised, yet none are perfect. Four major salivary glands and innumerable minor salivary glands …

Sialogram: Purpose, Procedure & Results - Healthline

    Sialometry and sialochemistry: diagnostic tools for …
      Sialometry can be used as a diagnostic tool mainly in two ways: collection of whole saliva—that is, combined secretions of all salivary glands—and collection of …

    Sialometry: aspects of clinical interest - PubMed
      Whole saliva is a multiglandular secretion complex consisting of gingival fluid, desquamated epithelial cells, microorganisms, products of bacterial metabolism, …

    Sialometry: indications, technique -
      Sialometry allows you to determine the degree of impaired salivary gland function , provided that the secret is liquid and there are no mucous and …

    Sialometry and sialochemistry: a non-invasive approach …
      Conclusions: Because the proposed non-invasive diagnostic tools can be easily applied, do not need a laboratory other than for routine blood testing, and are very accurate, gland …

    Sialography | definition of sialography by Medical dictionary
      sialography. Imaging A method for visualizing salivary glands and ducts by instilling radiocontrast Indications Sialadenitis, cysts, stones–sialolithiasis, dry mouth. …

    Spirometry | definition of spirometry by Medical dictionary
      spirometry (spi-rom'e-tre) [L. spirare, to breathe, + Gr. metron, measure] Measurement of air flow and lung volumes. See: pulmonary function test INCENTIVE SPIROMETER …

    Spirometry Definition & Meaning | Merriam-Webster Medical
      spirometry noun spi· rom· e· try -ə-trē plural spirometries : measurement by means of a spirometer of the volume of air entering and leaving the lungs (as to determine lung …

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