At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Single Transverse Palmar Crease Medical. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Simian Crease: Causes, Symptoms & Complications

    Simian Crease (STPC) | Nicklaus Children's Hospital
      Simian crease is an older name for a condition now more commonly called single transverse palmar crease, or STPC. It refers to a single crease across the palm …

    Single transverse palmar crease - Wikipedia

      Simian crease Information | Mount Sinai
        Simian crease. A single palmar crease is a single line that runs across the palm of the hand. People most often have 3 creases in their palms. The crease is most often referred to as a single palmar …

      Single palmar crease: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia
        A single palmar crease is a single line that runs across the palm of the hand. People most often have 3 creases in their palms. The crease is most often referred to as a single …

      Single palmar crease | UF Health, University of Florida …
        Definition. A single palmar crease is a single line that runs across the palm of the hand. People most often have 3 creases in their palms. The crease is most often …

      1.4 Congenital Anomalies - Definitions | CDC
        These are defined as structural changes that have significant medical, social or cosmetic consequences for the affected individual, and typically require medical …

      The Simian Line & it's potential implications!
        - INTRO (1/14): About the single palmar transverse crease & the impact of a (harmless) minor physical anomaly - According medical science the 'single palmar transverse crease' - a.k.a. simian line - …

      Single transverse palmar crease - FDNA Telehealth
        What is a Single transverse palmar crease? It is the presence of a single transverse crease on the palm. In most cases a person will have 2-3 creases. A single crease is …

      Single transverse palmar crease - Medical Dictionary
        a single transverse palmar crease formed by fusion of the proximal and distal palmar creases, so called because of its similarity to the transverse flexion crease seen in …

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