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IMDG Code And Medical Oxygen Cylinder Requirements
    3.0 Medical Oxygen Cylinders. 3.1 Vessels that fall under Column A or B of the MFAG Appendix 14 (IMDG Code, Supplement) – List of Equipment, are required to carry a minimum of 44 liters/200 bar oxygen as follows: 3.1.1 one 40 liter/200 bar medical …

Oxygen on board ships -
    The minimum volume of medical oxygen that ships must carry is outlined in flag State medicine chest requirements and the absolute minimum is 2 cylinders of 2 litres at 200 …

Medox Portable Resusciator Set - Survitec Group
    It is supplied as standard with a 2L medical oxygen cylinder compressed under 200 bars (2900 psi) with a Pin Index outlet connection as per the ISO standard for medical gases. Although additional outlet connections are …

IMDGC and Medical Oxygen Cylinder Requirements
    oxygen as follows: 3.1.1 one 40 liter/200 bar medical oxygen cylinder located in the vessel’s hospital, assembled for direct use, equipped with one flowmeter unit (with two …

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