At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Southampton Admissions Medical School. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Entry requirements | Medicine | University of Southampton
    UK Clinical Aptitude TestThe UCAT focuses on exploring your cognitive powers, as well as other attribut…How is the UCAT score used in the selection process?All applicants will need to take the UCAT test. Applicants for BM4 and B… See more

How to apply | Medicine | University of Southampton
    You must be able to fulfill the duties of a doctor as stated by the GMC in their document Medical students: professional behaviour and fitness to practice (available here). …

Study Medicine | University of Southampton
    Exposure to the full range of clinical practice, in the community and in specialised centres, will build lasting skills. Our courses are based on the latest research, in areas as diverse …

Medicine Degree BM5 | BMBS | University of Southampton
    apply for a master's of medical science or a MSc at Southampton - or study for a BSc or MSc at another university - between year 3 and year 4 (known as intercalation) take an optional French or Spanish language module in …

Faculty of Medicine | University of Southampton
    We are a national leader in medical education, investing in multi-disciplinary research teams and creating opportunities for external collaborations. We are an ambitious …

Medicine at University of Southampton - Medic Mind
    Course Structure at Southampton Medical School Year 1 at Southampton Medical School The Southampton course structure is systems based which runs throughout the first 2 years. Year 1 with the …

Southampton Medical School | The Complete Guide - Medmentor
    Southampton expect graduate students to have developed effective study and academic skills which enable you to complete an accelerated medical programme, including the …

Southampton - The Medic Portal
    Southampton Southampton’s five-year Medicine course has been taught for over 40 years, with an innovative learning approach to help prepare students into a lifelong …

Southampton Medical School Review
    Southampton Medical School Fees And Financial Support The yearly tuition fees for Undergraduate Medicine and the Graduate Course in Medicine at the University of Southampton are both £9,250 for home …

Apply for a school place - Southampton
    Applying to a faith school under the faith criteria; Applying to a particular school for a significant medical or psychological reason; Active members of the Church of England …

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