At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Steady State Medical Definition. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Steady state Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    steady state. noun. 1. : a state or condition of a system or process (as one of the energy states of an atom) that does not change in time. 2. : a state of physiological equilibrium especially in connection with a specified metabolic relation or activity.

Steady state | definition of steady state by Medical …
    persistent vegetative state a condition of profound nonresponsiveness in the wakeful state caused by brain damage at whatever level and characterized by a …

Understanding Steady State Pharmacokinetics | Certara

    Steady State Concentration - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf
      The steady-state concentration is also achievable with a series of close-up administrations to achieve the plasma …

    Importance of Steady-State Concentration in Drug Development
      January 22, 2020. Steady-state concentration ( Css) occurs when the amount of a drug being absorbed is the same amount that's being cleared from the body when …

    Steady-state exercise | definition of steady-state exercise …
      stead·y-state ex·er·cise , steady-rate exercise ( sted'ē-stāt' eks'ĕr-sīz, sted'ē-rāt') Activity that achieves a balance between the energy required by working muscles and the rate of …

    Health CH. 7 & 8 Flashcards | Quizlet
      Steady- state cycle test. Steadily for 20 minutes on a stationary cycle. Steady-state swim test. Steadily pace yourself as you swim for 20 minutes. How should you prepare for …

    Steady state - definition of steady state by The Free …
      Steady state or LISS (low-intensity steady state cardio) is an aerobic exercise which means the repetition of the same movement for long periods of time while maintaining a stable, …

    Steady-state rate | definition of steady-state rate by …
      Firstly, as described previously, there is a steady-state rate of HIV-infected patients who should be entering the ART programme each year. Setting ART initiation targets in …

    Steady state (chemistry) | definition of Steady
      steady state approximation (redirected from Steady state (chemistry)) Also found in: Wikipedia . stead·y state ap·prox·i·ma·tion an assumption in the derivation of an enzyme …

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