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Applications of synthetic polymers in clinical medicine
    Sep 1, 2015

Polymers in Biomedical Use | SpringerLink
    Natural and Synthetic Biodegradable Polymers Both natural and synthetic polymers are used in medical prosthetic applications like heart valves, stents, cartilage …

Synthetic Polymers for Biomedical Applications - Hindawi
    Synthetic polymers can be designed and synthesized with a broad variety of structures and appropriate physical and chemical properties, which are of …

Synthetic Polymers for Biomedical Applications - PMC
    Synthetic polymers can be designed and synthesized with a broad variety of structures and appropriate physical and chemical properties, which are of increasing interest in a …

Synthetic Biodegradable Polymers as …
    The following section presents an overview of the synthetic biodegradable polymers that are currently …

(PDF) Applications of synthetic polymers in …
    Abstract and Figures Multiple biological, synthetic and hybrid polymers are used for multiple medical applications. A wide range of different …

Biosynthetic Polymers for Medical Applications
    This important book provides readers with a thorough review of the fundamentals of biosynthetic polymers and their applications. Part One covers the fundamentals of …

Containers Based on Polymers in Biomedical …
    Synthetic polymers or thermoplastics, also called medical grade plastics, are generally used synonymously and share common characteristics. This section covers …

(PDF) Synthetic Polymers for Biomedical …
    Synthetic polymers are employed in biomedical applications such as drug delivery, therapeutics, and tissue engineering. 145, 146 It is often difficult to …

Applications of polymers in medical field
    A variety of polymers have been used for medical care including preventive medicine, clinical inspections and surgical treatments of diseases. Among the polymers employed …

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