At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Takaful Ikhlas Medical Plan. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Health and Medical Takaful Plan | Takaful Ikhlas
    IKHLAS Basic Critical Illness Takaful. This plan provides coverage in the event the person covered is diagnosed with any of the critical illnesses which are stroke, heart attack and cancer. This plan also is a commission-free protection plan that combines low cost with …

Takaful IKHLAS
    All individuals who participate in our general takaful plans will be provided with a complimentary Waqf and endowment benefit. A total of 2,430,172 individual certificates …

Personal & Family Takaful Protection Plan | Takaful IKHLAS
    IKHLAS Value Term Takaful is a regular contribution family takaful plan that offers protection up to 20 years. Coverage Highlights: Total and Permanent Disability cover …

Medical Card MEDIPLAN - Takaful Ikhlas
    Berikut ada maklumat tentang Medical Card Takaful IKHLAS ini. Boleh disertai oleh bayi yg berusia 30 hari hingga …

Takaful Ikhlas Medical Card - Ezy Takaful
    Antara kelebihan yang terdapat pada takaful ikhlas medical card 2022 adalah : TIADA HAD Seumur Hidup HAD TAHUNAN keseluruhan sehingga RM500,000 …

IKHLASlink : MediPlan - Agensi Takaful …
    Kad IKHLASlink MEDIPLAN merupakan produk terbaru dari Takaful Ikhlas. Mediplan adalah sebuah pelan yang menawarkan medical card untuk membantu …

8 Kelebihan Takaful Ikhlas Medical Card …
    Plan Medical card yang disediakan oleh takaful ikhlas antaranya: Plan 150 untuk RM850,000 seumur hidup, bilik RM150 Plan 700 untuk RM3,500,000 …

Takaful Savings Plan | Takaful Ikhlas
    Takaful Ikhlas Family Berhad (200201025412) (593075-U) 9th Floor, IKHLAS Point, Tower 11A, Avenue 5, Bangsar South, No. 8, Jalan Kerinchi, 59200, Kuala Lumpur Takaful …

Hibah Takaful - IKHLAS Dariku | Takaful IKHLAS
    Takaful Ikhlas Family Berhad (200201025412) (593075-U) 9th Floor, IKHLAS Point, Tower 11A, Avenue 5, Bangsar South, No. 8, Jalan Kerinchi, 59200, Kuala Lumpur Takaful …

IKHLAS Individual Medical Secure Takaful Rider
    Takaful Ikhlas Customer Care Hotline Call +60327239696 There are a few things you might want to take note off before you go to make a claim with Takaful IKHLAS. Firstly you will …

Need more information about Takaful Ikhlas Medical Plan?

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