At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Turgor Definition Medical. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Turgor | definition of turgor by Medical dictionary
    turgor. [ ter´ger] 1. swelling or other distention. 2. a condition of normal tension in a cell or group of cells; fullness. adj., adj tur´gid. skin turgor a reflection of the skin's elasticity, measured by monitoring the time it takes for the skin of the forearm to return to position …

Turgor Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    Medical Definition turgor noun tur· gor ˈtər-gər -ˌgȯ (ə)r : the normal state of turgidity and tension in living cells especially : the rigidity of a plant that is due to the pressure of the …

Skin turgor: MedlinePlus Medical Encyclopedia
    Skin turgor is a sign of fluid loss (dehydration). Diarrhea or vomiting can cause fluid loss. Infants and young children with these conditions can rapidly lose a lot of fluid, if they do …

What Is Skin Turgor? - Verywell Health
    Skin turgor refers to the elasticity or firmness of your skin. When you pinch the skin on your hand, it …

Medical Definition of Turgor - MedicineNet
    Turgor: The degree of elasticity of skin, sometimes referred to as skin turgor. The assessment of skin turgor is used clinically to determine the extent of …

Skin turgor | definition of skin turgor by Medical dictionary
    2. a condition of normal tension in a cell or group of cells; fullness. adj., adj tur´gid. skin turgor a reflection of the skin's elasticity, measured by monitoring the time it takes for the …

Skin Turgor Test for Dehydration in Children …
    What is skin turgor? Skin turgor refers to the elasticity of your skin. When you pinch the skin on your arm, for example, it should spring back into place with a second …

Describing Skin Turgor - General Students, Support, …
    My clinical patient this week, when I pinched her skin, it took like 1/2 a second to fall back down. Thanks. Her turgor then would be within normal limits,if it takes …

Skin turgor: MedlinePlus Medical …
    Medical Encyclopedia → Skin turgor Skin turgor Overview A decrease in skin turgor is indicated when the skin (on the back of the hand for an adult or on the …

Skin turgor | UF Health, University of Florida Health
    Family Medicine Definition Skin turgor is the skin's elasticity. It is the ability of skin to change shape and return to normal. Alternative Names Doughy skin; Poor skin …

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