At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Unbalanced Translocation Medical Definition. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Unbalanced translocation | definition of ... - Medical …
    unbalanced translocation: condition resulting from fertilization of a gamete containing a translocation chromosome by a normal gamete; if this abnormality is compatible with life, the individual would have 46 chromosomes but a segment of the translocation …

Chromosomal translocation - Wikipedia

    What Are Translocations? What Disorders Do They …
      A change in chromosome structure and content caused by translocation is a translocation mutation. Many genes may be transferred between chromosomes. Such translocation …

    Unbalanced translocation - Genomics Education …
      Due to random assortment during meiosis, a balanced translocation may not be passed onto offspring in the same way and can become unbalanced. This can …

    Balanced Translocation and Recurrent Miscarriage
      Incidence of Recurrent Miscarriages. In about 4.5% of all couples with recurrent miscarriages, one or both parents has a balanced translocation. 2  Research has …

    Robertsonian translocation: Definition, …
      Trisomy 13 can cause physical abnormalities, such as extra fingers or toes, an opening in the lip, or cleft lip, or an opening in the roof of the …

    Balanced and unbalanced reciprocal …
      The clinical significance of translocation has been a higher risk of pregnancy wastage. 1,2 Reciprocal translocation is the most common type of translocation; it can further be …

    Balanced translocation | definition of balanced
      balanced translocation: translocation of the long arm of an acrocentric chromosome to another chromosome; an individual with a balanced translocation has a normal diploid …

    Robertsonian Translocation: All You Need to Know
      Abnormalities in the structure of chromosomes within someone’s genetic makeup are called structural chromosomal abnormalities. Robertsonian translocations are very …

    Unbalanced Translocation (Concept Id: C1519758)
      A rare unbalanced translocation (trisomy 5q33.3-qter, monosomy 13q34-qter) results in growth hormone deficiency and brain anomalies. Joynt ACM, Deshwar AR, Zon J, Dupuis …

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