At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Ut Acronym Medical. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

UT Medical Abbreviation Meaning - All Acronyms
    UT. Upper Trapezius. Therapy, Muscle, Shoulder. Therapy, Muscle, Shoulder. Vote. 3. Vote. UT. Urea Transporter.

Medical Abbreviations & Acronyms: U |
    ut: uterus : ut. dict. as directed (L. ut dictum) UTD: up to date : UTI: urinary tract infection : UTox: urine toxicology screen (for drugs) UTV: ultrasound transmission velocity : UUN: …

A-Z List of Common Medical Abbreviations, Acronyms
    UA or u/a: Urinalysis. A UA is a typical part of a comprehensive physical examination. U or u: Unit. Mistaken as the number 0 or 4, causing a 10-fold overdose or …

UT Medical Abbreviation Meaning / Page 2 - All Acronyms
    What is UT meaning in Medical? 20+ meanings of UT abbreviation related to Medical: Medical Sort Previous Next Suggest to this list Related acronyms and abbreviations …

UT Meanings | What Does UT Stand For? - All Acronyms
    UT. Universal Time. Technology, Navigation, Astronomy. Technology, Navigation, Astronomy. Vote. 53. Vote. UT. Ultrasonic Testing + 1.

UT Therapy Abbreviation Meaning - All Acronyms
    UT. Upper Trapezius. Medical, Muscle, Shoulder. Medical, Muscle, Shoulder. Vote. 1. Vote. UT. Urine Therapy.

What does UT stand for? - abbreviations
    1 2 3 4 ALL What does UT mean? Greenwich Mean Time, Greenwich Time, GMT, universal time, UT, UT1 (noun) the local time at the 0 meridian passing through Greenwich, England; it is the same everywhere see …

The Most Common Physical Therapy Abbreviations
    Additional Rehab Therapy Abbreviations and Designations. BSPT – bachelor of science in physical therapy CDE – certified diabetes educator COTA – …

Physical Therapy Abbreviations Commonly Used by PTs …
    AAROM: Active assistive range of motion ABD: Abduction ACJ: Acromioclavicular joint ACL: Anterior cruciate ligament AD: Assistive device ADD: Adduction ADL: Activities of daily living AFO: Ankle foot …

Common Physical Therapy Abbreviations - PTProgress
    For example, the Physical Therapy abbreviation SBA (stand by assist) or CGA (contact guard assist) are common PT medical abbreviations. But sometimes our abbreviations can get a little …

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