At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Uvic Biomedical Research. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Biomedical Engineering - University of Victoria -
    Biomedical engineering combines mechanical and electrical engineering with the study of human anatomy, physiology and biochemistry. We develop technologies that are …

Medical Sciences - University of Victoria -
    The Division of Medical Sciences recruits top-ranked faculty, implements a successful multidisciplinary neuroscience graduate program, and obtains significant external research funding. In collaboration with other UVic …

Research at UVic - University of Victoria
    Research at UVic Creating a better world through curiosity, engagement & innovation. At UVic, we’re creating a rich and diverse setting where people from around the world can …

Health and wellness - University of Victoria -
    UVic researchers tackle mental health from many different perspectives with expertise in many domains. The Canadian Institute for Substance Use Research (CISUR) is a …

UVic Biomedical Design and Systems Laboratory - Home
    Biomedical Design & Systems Laboratory The BDSL laboratory is focused on design and development of electro-mechanical systems with application to biomedical equipment, …

Biomedical Research | UVic
    En la investigació biomèdica hi ha àmbits de treball diversos, com l'anatomia, la bioquímica i les malalties cardiovasculars. A més, també hi ha enfocaments diferents …

UVic Biomedical Design and Systems Laboratory
    UVic Biomedical Design and Systems Laboratory - Research-A Research on Hand Prosthesis Design Purpose of Research: To develop devices to improve the quality of life …

UVic Biomedical Design and Systems Laboratory
    UVic Biomedical Design and Systems Laboratory - Research-A Ultrasound & Biomedical Systems Research Purpose of Ultrasound & Biomedical Systems Research: To …

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