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Vacuole | definition of vacuole by Medical dictionary
    vacuole. (văk′yo͞o-ōl′) n. 1. A membrane-bound organelle in the cytoplasm of most cells, especially plant cells, containing water and dissolved substances such as salts, sugars, enzymes, and amino acids. 2. A small extracellular cavity or space within tissues. …

Vacuole Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    vac· u· ole ˈva-kyə-ˌwōl. 1. : a small cavity or space in the tissues of an organism containing air or fluid. 2. : a cavity or vesicle in the cytoplasm of a cell usually …

Vacuoles | definition of Vacuoles by Medical dictionary
    vacuole. (văk′yo͞o-ōl′) n. 1. A membrane-bound organelle in the cytoplasm of most cells, especially plant cells, containing water and dissolved substances such as salts, sugars, …

Vacuole | Definition, Structure, Function, & Facts
    vacuole, in biology, a space within a cell that is empty of cytoplasm, lined with a membrane, and filled with fluid. Especially in …

Contractile vacuole Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    noun : a vacuole in a unicellular organism that contracts regularly to discharge fluid and especially water from the cell Word History First Known Use 1876, in the meaning defined …

Autophagic vacuole | definition of autophagic vacuole by Medical …
    A variety of secondary lysosome that contains the remnants of mitochondria, ribosomes, or other organelles. Synonym (s): autophagic vacuole Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © …

Contractile vacuole | definition of contractile vacuole by Medical ...
    vacuole. [ vak´u-ōl] a space or cavity in the protoplasm of a cell. contractile vacuole a small fluid-filled cavity in the protoplasm of certain unicellular organisms. It gradually …

Digestive vacuole | definition of digestive vacuole by Medical …
    (redirected from digestive vacuole) Also found in: Acronyms . sec·on·dar·y ly·so·somes lysosomes in which lysis takes place, owing to the activity of hydrolytic enzymes; they are …

Vacuolar degeneration | definition of vacuolar degeneration by …
    Rats in gestational diabetes mellitus as the control group had mild atrophy of islet; B cells swelled and vacuolar degeneration occurred; a little infiltration of inflammatory cells was …

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