At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Vacuum Tube Medical Definition. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Vacuum tube | definition of vacuum tube by Medical …
    vac·uum tube. a glass tube from which the air has been removed, containing two or more electrodes, between which passes an electrical current or spark; used in the production of x-rays, or to control circuits. Previously in wide use, the vacuum tube …

Vacuum tube Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    Medical Definition vacuum tube noun : an electronic device in which conduction by electrons takes place through a vacuum within a sealed glass or metal …

Vacuum-tube | definition of Vacuum-tube by Medical …
    vac·uum tube. a glass tube from which the air has been removed, containing two or more electrodes, between which passes an electrical current or spark; used in the production of …

Vacutainer | definition of Vacutainer by Medical dictionary
    Vacutainer | definition of Vacutainer by Medical dictionary Vacutainer Also found in: Wikipedia . Vacutainer ™ A proprietary blood collection tube with a vacuum to facilitate …

Vaccum tube | definition of Vaccum tube by Medical …
    a glass tube from which the air has been removed, containing two or more electrodes, between which passes an electrical current or spark; used in the production of x-rays, or …

Vacuum-Assisted Closure of a Wound | Johns Hopkins …
    What is vacuum-assisted closure of a wound? Vacuum-assisted closure of a wound is a type of therapy to help wounds heal. It’s also known as wound VAC. During the treatment, a device decreases air pressure on the …

Vacuum tubes | definition of Vacuum tubes by Medical …
    vac·uum tube. a glass tube from which the air has been removed, containing two or more electrodes, between which passes an electrical current or spark; used in the production of …

Penis pump - Mayo Clinic
    A penis pump is one of a few treatment choices that might help. It's a device made of these parts: A plastic tube that fits over the penis. Hand or battery-powered …

Vacuum tube - definition of vacuum tube by The Free …
    vacuum tube. An electron tube from which all air has been removed so that the moving electrons don't collide with any gas particles and can move more efficiently from …

Vacuum tube (electronics) | definition of Vacuum
    vac·uum tube. a glass tube from which the air has been removed, containing two or more electrodes, between which passes an electrical current or spark; used in the production of …

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