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Lost in translation: the valley of death across …
    Translation from basic science to human studies form the critical path, as defined by the FDA, or the “valley of death”, as defined by the pharmaceutical industry. This “valley of death” encompasses T0-T2 phases of research. However, each of these phases have overlapping sets of challenges as discussed in the text. Adapted from [15, 16]

Surviving the Valley of Death - Hopkins Medicine
    By Catherine Kolf. March 2014—Whether it refers to the high casualties sustained in the 1854 Battle of Balaclava or the literary element used in Psalm 23, the Valley of Death is …

What is Translational Research? Explaining …
    One of these phases—translational research—is sometimes referred to as the “Valley of …

Valley of death: A proposal to build a "translational …
    The "valley of death," the large gap between basic scientific research and translation to novel therapeutics, underscores the need to restructure education and academic …

Valley of Death - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
    Figure 15.1. Valley of death. i) Gather pilot user references. We have already mentioned KOL identification and acquisition, if you want to recruit a KOL, you should go for a …

Moving drug discoveries beyond ‘the valley of death’
    In 2015, for example, scientific journals published 1.2 million medical research papers, but only 396 potential drugs were submitted to U.S. regulators for permission to begin human …

Bridging the Technology Valley of Death - Military Health …
    ogy “Valley of Death.” The “Valley of Death” most frequently refers to a lack of funding or development partners for a prod - uct to bridge the technology transition phase (Figure 1). …

Translational research: Crossing the valley …
    In Britain, which is second only to the United States in biomedical research output, the government last year announced a doubling of the Medical Research …

    Abstract. The Valley of Death (VoD) denotes a perilous or transitional period before a new business reaches a breakeven point. It also describes a situation where …

Bridging the “Valley of Death” in Drug …
    The Valley of Death refers to the obstacles that are keeping innovative medical research discoveries from becoming new therapies or even making it to clinical trials. …

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