At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Valve Definition Medical. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Valve | definition of valve by Medical dictionary
    valve. ( valv ), [TA] 1. A fold of the lining membrane of a canal or other hollow organ that serves to retard or prevent a reflux of fluid. See also: valvule, plica. 2. Any formation or reduplication of tissue, or flaplike structure, resembling or functioning as a valve. See …

Valve Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    valve: [noun] a device in a brass instrument for quickly channeling air flow through an added length of tube in order to change the fundamental tone by some definite interval. electron …

Valves | definition of valves by Medical dictionary
    valve. [ valv] a membranous fold in a canal or passage that prevents backward flow of material passing through it. aortic valve a semilunar valve that separates the left ventricle …

Mitral valve Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster
    mitral valve: [noun] a cardiac valve consisting of two triangular flaps which allow only unidirectional blood flow from the left atrium to the left ventricle — called …

Pulmonary valve Definition & Meaning | Merriam …
    noun. : a valve consisting of three semilunar cusps separating the pulmonary trunk from the right ventricle.

What is TAVR? (TAVI) | American Heart Association
    Usually valve replacement requires an open-heart procedure with a “sternotomy”, in which the chest is surgically separated (opened) for the procedure. The TAVR or TAVI procedures can be done …

Valve - definition of valve by The Free Dictionary
    Define valve. valve synonyms, valve pronunciation, valve translation, English dictionary definition of valve. valve top: closed check valve bottom: open check valve n. 1. a.

Thebesian valve | definition of thebesian valve by …
    valve [valv] a membranous fold in a canal or passage that prevents backward flow of material passing through it. aortic valve a semilunar valve that separates the left ventricle …

Venous valves | definition of Venous valves by Medical …
    venous valves: any of the small cusps or folds found in the tunica intima of many veins, serving to prevent backflow of blood.

Endocarditis - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic
    Endocarditis is a life-threatening inflammation of the inner lining of the heart's chambers and valves. This lining is called the endocardium. Endocarditis is …

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