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Valvotomy | definition of valvotomy by Medical dictionary
    valvotomy: ( val-vot'ŏ-mē ), 1. Cutting through a stenosed cardiac valve to relieve the obstruction. Synonym(s): valvulotomy 2. Incision of a valvular structure. [valve + G. tomē, incision]

Valvulotomy Definition & Meaning | Merriam-Webster …
    plural valvulotomies. : surgical incision of a valve. specifically : the operation of enlarging a narrowed heart valve by cutting through the mitral commissures with a knife or …

Medical Dictionary - Merriam-Webster
    Medical Dictionary. Search medical terms and abbreviations with the most up-to-date and comprehensive medical dictionary from the reference experts at Merriam-Webster. Master today's medical …

Mitral valvotomy | definition of mitral valvotomy by …
    mitral valvotomy: deliberate incision or enlargement by inserting a finger in the stenotic mitral valve.

Balloon valvotomy | definition of balloon valvotomy by …
    balloon valvotomy: A transiently popular technique for managing aortic valve stenosis. Outcomes Mortality at 18 months is 60% (similar to untreated population); event-free …

Valvoplasty | definition of valvoplasty by Medical dictionary
    valvoplasty: ( val'vō-plas'tē ), Surgical reconstruction of a deformed cardiac valve, for the relief of stenosis or incompetence. Synonym(s): valvuloplasty [valve + G. plastos, formed]

Valvuloplasty Definition & Meaning | Merriam-Webster …
    val· vu· lo· plas· ty ˈval-vyə-lō-ˌplas-tē. plural valvuloplasties. : plastic surgery performed on a heart valve.

Vagotomy | definition of vagotomy by Medical dictionary
    medical vagotomy interruption of impulses carried by the vagus nerve by administration of suitable drugs. parietal cell vagotomy selective severing of the vagus nerve fibers …

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