At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Vaso Spanish Medical. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Bazo | Spanish to English Translation - SpanishDict
    bah - soh ) masculine noun 1. (anatomy) a. spleen El médico palpó la zona del bazo y comprobó que se había inflamado debido a la infección. The doctor palpated the area of the spleen and confirmed it had swollen up due to the infection. Copyright © Curiosity Media …

Vaso- | definition of vaso- by Medical dictionary
    vaso- Vas, blood vessel. See also: vas-, vasculo-. [L. vas, a vessel] Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 vaso- Combining form indicating vas, blood vessel. See also: …

Vaso | Spanish to English Translation - SpanishDict
    vaso Noun 1. (recipiente, contenido) a. glass un vaso de vino a glass of wine un vaso de plástico a plastic cup se bebió un vaso entero he drank a whole glass 2. (fig) a. ahogarse en un vaso de agua to make a mountain …

baso (not sure if it's spelled this way; may be vaso)
    Spanish term or phrase: baso (not sure if it's spelled this way; may be vaso) The word "baso" is supposed to be an organ in the human body. If this organ bursts, it …

EL VASO medical term | EUdict | Spanish>English
    Spanish English; vaso: glass: vaso: glass; tumbler; vessel; receptacle; reservoir; glassful; tumblerful; hoof; vase: vaso: glassful: vaso: vas: vaso: vase (n.) vaso (m.) flask, cup: …

What is the Spanish word 'vaso' when referring to the human body?
    a glass, glassful, jar, and similar receptacles. un vaso de vino = a glass of wine How do you say a cup of juice in Spanish? A cup of juice in Spanish is un vaso de …

blood vessel in Spanish - English-Spanish Dictionary
    Spanish Translation of "blood vessel" into Spanish vaso sanguíneo, vena, arteria are the top translations of "blood vessel" into Spanish. Sample translated sentence: Arteries, …

149 Spanish Medical Terms for Medical Professionals
    It is essential to know as many of the top Spanish medical terms for nurses, doctors, & emergency/first responders in communities with Spanish speakers. Use …

What’s the difference between ‘vaso ... - Tell Me In Spanish
    Depending on its material, ‘vaso’ means ‘cup’ or ‘glass’, we use it for water and cold drinks. ‘Copa’ is ‘glass’ and is only meant for wine and cocktails. Understanding the difference between these Spanish words not only will …

Vaso Spanish Medical Term | Day of Difference 1. (recipiente, contenido) a. glass. un vaso de vino a glass of wine. un vaso de plástico a plastic cup. se bebió un vaso entero he drank …

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