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CDC - Enterobiasis - Treatment
    Treatment. The medications used for the treatment of pinworm are either mebendazole, pyrantel pamoate, or albendazole. Any of these drugs are given in one dose initially, and then another single dose of the same drug two weeks later. Pyrantel …

Vermiculous | definition of vermiculous by Medical …
    vermiculous: [ ver-mik´u-lus ] 1. vermicular . 2. infected with worms.

Vermicular | definition of vermicular by Medical dictionary
    vermicular: ( ver-mik'yū-lăr ), Relating to, resembling, or moving like a worm. [L. vermiculus, dim. of vermis, worm]

Vermiculus | definition of vermiculus by Medical dictionary
    vermiculus: ( ver'mi-kyūl ), 1. A small worm or wormlike organism or structure. 2. Synonym(s): ookinete [L. vermiculus, a small worm]

Vermicule | definition of vermicule by Medical dictionary
    vermiculus An obsolete term for any small worm or worm-like structure.

Vermicular - definition of vermicular by The Free Dictionary
    ver·mic·u·lar. 1. Having the shape of a worm; vermiform. 2. Having wavy markings shaped like worms; vermiculate. 3. Moving like a worm. 4. Caused by or relating to …

Vermiculus - definition of vermiculus by The Free Dictionary
    Por vezes, eram cortadas em dimensoes ainda mais reduzidas (3 ou 4 mm quadrados) e justapostas para formar uma variante do opus tessellatum: o opus vermiculatum, cujo …

B3 Chooses Vermiculus to Deliver a Best-in-Class CSD System
    STOCKHOLM, Feb. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- B3 has selected Vermiculus for a monumental Central Security Depository project, set to modernize and futureproof …

B3 Chooses Vermiculus to Deliver a Best-in-Class CSD …
    Feb 16, 2023, 08:14 ET. STOCKHOLM, Feb. 16, 2023 /PRNewswire/ -- B3 has selected Vermiculus for a monumental Central Security Depository project, set to …

    B3 Chooses Vermiculus to Deliver a Best-in-Class CSD System February 2023 2022: a Retrospective from Vermiculus' CEO January 2023 Solid Systems for Challenging Times …

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