At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Vitrex Medical Limited. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Vitrex | Medical and healthcare supplies for hospitals, laboratories ...
    Vitrex Ultra Safe, Premium Safety Lancet; Vitrex Steel; Diabetes Care. Vitrex Soft Blood Glucose Lancets; Vitrex Compact Eject; Blood Glucose Monitor System; Chirana Insulin …

Surgical Sutures & Meshes | Vitrex
    For different specialties, procedures and tissue types within human, veterinary and dental market, Vitrex Medical provides state-of-the-art surgical sutures and meshes to …

Vitrex Lancets | Vitrex
    Some of the features of Vitrex Safety Lancets are user safety and user convenience, as the needle is fully …

Vitrex Medical A/S | LinkedIn
    Medical Equipment Manufacturing Company size 51-200 employees Type Public Company Founded 1967 Specialties Capillary tubes, Lancets, Surgical Sutures and Meshes, …

Latex-free Examination Gloves - Richardson …
    Product Description. Vitrex latex-free examination gloves are a cost effective solution for healthcare professionals. They offer tensile strength and comply with the requirements of …

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