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Remembering Lawrence Weed: A Pioneer of the SOAP Note
    To the Editor: The birth of the problem-oriented medical record (POMR) and SOAP (Subjective, Objective, Assessment, and Plan) note marked an epoch in the history of health care. Dr. Lawrence Weed, developer of the SOAP note and professor of medicine and …

The Purpose of the Medical Record: Why Lawrence Weed Still …
    The creator of the Problem-Oriented Medical Record, Weed designed a version of the medical record the way a scientist would keep a lab notebook with an emphasis on …

Lawrence Weed - Wikipedia
    Lawrence Leonard Weed (December 26, 1923 – June 3, 2017) was an American physician, researcher, educator, entrepreneur and author, who is best known for creating the …

Dr. Lawrence Weed, Pioneer in Recording Patient Data, Dies at 93
    Dr. Weed was the author of “Medical Records, Medical Education, and Patient Care: The Problem-Oriented Record as a Basic Tool” (1969); “Your Health Care and How to …

    PROBLEM-ORIENTED MEDICAL RECORD (POMR) The POMR as initially defined by Lawrence Weed, MD, is the official method of record keeping used at Foster G. McGaw …

Lawrence L. Weed and the problem-oriented medical record
    Lawrence L. Weed and the problem-oriented medical record. Lawrence L. Weed and the problem-oriented medical record. Lawrence L. Weed and the problem-oriented …

SOAP note - Wikipedia
    The SOAP note originated from the problem-oriented medical record (POMR), developed nearly 50 years ago by Lawrence Weed, MD. It was initially developed for physicians to …

Problem-oriented medical records according to the Weed model
    Abstract. The problem-oriented medical record proposed by Weed allows the doctor to make explicit the implicit data used in medical practice. This process is highly …

What are Problem Oriented Medical Records (POMR)? | True North
    Problem Oriented Medical Record (POMR) is a way of recording patient health information. Find out how physicians are maximizing their use. Sales: 1.855.383.4300 ...

Problem-oriented medical records according to the Weed model
    Problem-oriented medical records according to the Weed model. Problem-oriented medical records according to the Weed model Med Inform (Lond). 1978 Jun;3(2):113 …

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