At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Wenis Medical Terminology. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

What Does 'Weenus' Mean? | Slang …
    Weenus (or weenis or wenis) is a slang word for the excess or loose skin at the joint of one's elbow, which …

What's The Skin On Your Elbow Called? - Healing Picks
    Wenis is a slang term for the skin on the elbow. This skin is part of the olecranon, a complicated joint in the forearm. It is a skin, not a joint. In medical …

wenis Meaning & Origin | Slang by
    Wenis and wagina may also be used as insults. Wenis is also sometimes spelled wenus, likely influenced …

Is Wenis a real medical term? - Quora
    Weenus (or weenis or wenis) is a slang word for the excess or loose skin at the joint of one's elbow, which is technically referred to as olecranal skin. ... The olecranon is the …

Medical Terms and Abbreviations: Merriam …
    Medical Terms and Abbreviations: Merriam-Webster Medical Dictionary Est. 1828 Medical Dictionary Search medical terms and abbreviations with the most up-to …

Is Wenis a real medical term? - Arew
    Wenis, also known as weenus and wenis, is the slang term for excess skin or loose skin around the elbow joint. Technically, it is called olecranal or scaly skin. …

What is the origin of the word "wenis"? - Quora
    The wenis lacks sensitivity and can withstand all types of abuse. The skin on the inside of your elbow is known as a wagina. The flap of skin covering the elbow feels no …

What is the skin on your elbow called? - Answers
    wenus Is the skin on your elbow called the weenis? The medical term is olecranal skin (the olecranon is the tip of the ulna, forming the point of the elbow).The …

Wenis Medical Terminology | Day of Difference
    Weenus (or weenis or wenis) is a slang word for the excess or loose skin at the joint of one's elbow, which is technically referred to as olecranal skin. Olecranal is an adjective …

Why is the word wenis not in the medical dictionary? - Answers
    The term Wenis is a slang word for the flap of skin at the elbow, though this is not a medical term or considered a proper word in the dictionary, it is widely used. Is …

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