At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about What Does C O Mean In Medical Records. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

C/o | definition of c/o by Medical dictionary
    C/O complaint of. Miller-Keane Encyclopedia and Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing, and Allied Health, Seventh Edition. © 2003 by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier, Inc. All rights reserved. c/o Abbreviation for complains of. Farlex Partner Medical Dictionary © Farlex 2012 c/o …

A-Z List of Common Medical Abbreviations, Acronyms
    CBC: Complete blood count. CC: Chief complaint. The patient's main concern. CDE: Complete dental (oral) evaluation. cc: Cubic centimeters. For example, the amount …

C/O Medical Abbreviation Meaning -
    What is C/O meaning in Medical? 20+ meanings of C/O abbreviation related to Medical: Vote. 17. Vote. C/O. Complaining of + 10. Arrow. Health, Oncology, Nursing.

Abbreviations you may find in your health records - NHS
    c/c: chief complaint: CMHN: community mental health nurse: CPN: …

The Meaning and Usage of “c/o” (Care …
    As stated, “c/o” is the abbreviated form of the phrase “in care of” or “care of” which is generally used in transmitting correspondence and parcels to particular people through an …

What does c/o mean in medical terms? - Quora
    Usually, c/o is an abbreviation for cardiac output, which is the volume of blood the heart is pumping per minute. Less often, it refers to the coccygeal nerve (part of the lower spine) …

List of medical abbreviations: C - Wikipedia
    C/S: Caesarean section: C&S: culture and sensitivity (antibiogram) CsA: cyclosporin A CSA: ...

Common Medical Abbreviations - QD Nurses
    What does this mean: 55 years old female pt came in with c/o pain AU, VSS, denies N/V/D/C, AAOX3, and ambulatory w/o assistance. 55 years old female patient came in with complaint of …

C With a Line Over It: What Does It …
    So, what does a c with a line over it mean? A c with line over it medical abbreviation is a common abbreviation used by doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals to take the place …

What does C/O mean on property deed? Example, John …
    Posted on Sep 30, 2016. "C/O" means "in care of". So, If John Doe wants mail sent to him at Greg Jones' address, he would address the letter as follows: John …

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