At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about What Medications Cause Low Sodium. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Hyponatremia - Symptoms and causes - Mayo Clinic
    Some medications, such as some water pills (diuretics), antidepressants and pain medications, can interfere with the normal hormonal and kidney processes that keep sodium concentrations within the healthy normal range. Heart, kidney and liver problems. See more

Hyponatremia (Low Blood Sodium): Symptoms, Causes, …
    Your sodium levels may get too low if your body loses too much water and electrolytes. Hyponatremia may also be a symptom of certain medical conditions. …

Drugs Causing Lowering of Sodium Level or …
    Drugs that cause hyponatremia include: Diuretics: Thiazides, bumetanide, indapamide, ethacrynic …

What Causes Low Sodium Levels, and What Do They …
    Low sodium can also be a side effect of some drugs and medications. These include: Diuretics, which are commonly prescribed for high blood pressure or heart …

Management of Hyponatremia | AAFP
    Common causes include medications and the syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone (SIADH) secretion. Hyponatremia can be classified according to the …

Could My Medication be Causing My Hyponatremia?
    As you can see many medications can lead to low sodium levels. Most often the cause is due to release of Anti-Diuretic Hormone or enhanced effects of the hormone, …

    DRUGS THAT CAN CAUSE HYPONATRAEMIA Diuretics *Aldosterone antagonist, **Angiotensin II receptor antagonist Anti-depressants All anti-depressants can cause …

A review of drug-induced hyponatremia - PubMed
    Hyponatremia (defined as a serum sodium level < 134 mmol/L) is the most common electrolyte abnormality in hospitalized patients. Certain drugs (eg, diuretics, …

What medications can cause your sodium level to drop?
    What medications can cause your sodium level to drop? Medications that increase your risk of hyponatremia include thiazide diuretics as well as some …

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