At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Gmc Recognised Medical Degrees. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Overseas medical qualifications we may accept - GMC
    the medical school offers courses that lead to qualifications that do not meet the criteria alongside some courses that do. I am an administrator of a medical school on this list. If you are from a medical school which appears on this list, you can request a review …

Getting into medical school - GMC - General Medical …
    The graduate entry courses offered by recognised UK medical schools are approved by us. The degree awarded at the end of the course is the same as all other medical …

Acceptable overseas qualifications - GMC - General …
    Please note that you cannot appeal against the decision that an overseas PMQ is not acceptable, it is at the GMC’s discretion to determine which overseas qualifications are …

Awarding bodies and new schools - GMC - General …
    New schools and programmes under review . We carry out quality assurance of bodies which want approval to issue a medical degree, or to start a new …

Need more information about Gmc Recognised Medical Degrees?

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