At Manningham Medical Centre, you can find all the data about Medical Definition Of Dorsal Cavity. We have collected data about general practitioners, medical and surgical specialists, dental, pharmacy and more. Please see the links below for the information you need.

Dorsal Cavity - Definition, Organs and Function - Biology …
    Dorsal Cavity Definition. The dorsal cavity, or dorsal body cavity, is a fluid filled space which surrounds the brain and spinal …

1.4E: Body Cavities - Medicine LibreTexts
    The dorsal cavity is a continuous cavity located on the dorsal side of the body. It houses the organs of the upper central …

10.5: Human Body Cavities - Biology LibreTexts
    Dorsal Cavity. The dorsal cavity is at the posterior, or back, of the body, including both the head and the back of the trunk. The dorsal cavity is subdivided into the cranial and …

Dorsal cavity | definition of dorsal cavity by Medical …
    Dorsal cavity | definition of dorsal cavity by Medical dictionary dorsal cavity Also found in: Dictionary, Thesaurus, Encyclopedia. Related to dorsal cavity: ventral cavity, Spinal …

Anatomical Terminology | SEER Training

    Dorsal and Ventral: What Are They, Differences, and …
      Dorsal and ventral are terms that refer, respectively, to the back and front portions of the human body in the anatomical position. These terms can also be referred to as posterior and anterior surfaces. Ventral and dorsal …

    Dorsal Body Cavity | Organs & Membranes -
      What is a dorsal cavity in anatomy? Dorsal represents a term of anatomical orientation referring to the back or posterior of the body. A cavity is a fluid filled space …

    Major Body Cavities: Medical Terminology -
      The dorsal cavity is one of the two largest body cavities, located at the posterior aspect of the body. By posterior, I mean that it runs along the back of the body. It's called dorsal,...

    Dorsal | definition of dorsal by Medical dictionary
      dorsal (dôr′səl) adj. 1. Anatomy Of, toward, on, in, or near the back or upper surface of an organ, part, or organism. 2. Botany Of or on the surface of an organ or part facing away …

    Dorsal cavity - definition of Dorsal cavity by The Free …
      cavity ( ˈkævɪtɪ) n, pl -ties 1. a hollow space; hole 2. (Dentistry) dentistry a soft decayed area on a tooth. See caries 3. (Anatomy) any empty or hollow space within the body: the …

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