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A high-performance transcutaneous battery charger for …
    In this paper, we evaluate the suitability of a state-of-the-art general purpose charging method called current-pumped battery charger (CPBC) for implant applications. Using off-the-shelf components and with minimum optimization, we prototyped a proof-of-concept …

A high-performance transcutaneous battery charger for …
    Using off-the-shelf components and with minimum optimization, we prototyped a proof-of-concept transcutaenous battery charger based on CPBC and show that the …

A High-Performance Transcutaneous Battery Charger for …
    Using off-the-shelf components and with minimum optimization, we prototyped a proof-of-concept transcutaenous battery charger based on CPBC and show that the …

A High-Performance Transcutaneous Battery …
    the suitability for the CPBC method for transcutaneous charging based on a proof-of-concept design using off-the-shelf discrete components and minimum optimization. We …

A High-Performance Transcutaneous Battery Charger for …
    Using off-the-shelf components and with minimum optimization, we prototyped a proof-of-concept transcutaenous battery charger based on CPBC and show that the CPBC can …

A high-performance transcutaneous battery charger for …
    Artan, N, Vanjani, H, Vashist, G, Fu, Z, Bhakthavatsala, S, Ludvig, N, Medveczky, G & Chao, H 2010, A high-performance transcutaneous battery charger for medical …

A high-performance transcutaneous battery charger for …
    Request PDF | A high-performance transcutaneous battery charger for medical implants | As new functionality is added to the implantable devices, their power …

    , A high-performance transcutaneous battery charger for medical implants, Proc Conf IEEE EMBC, Buenos Aire, pp. 1581–1584, (2010). Google Scholar; 24. Hwang YS, Wang …

A high-performance transcutaneous battery charger for …
    Such power requirements make it hard for keeping such implants operational for long periods by non-rechargeable batteries. This result in a need for. As new functionality is …

A High-Performance Transcutaneous Battery Charger For …
    A high-performance transcutaneous battery charger for medical implants Abstract: As new functionality is added to the implantable devices, their power requirements also …

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