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X-ray fluorescence analysis in medical sciences: a review
    X-ray fluorescence analysis in medical sciences: a review J. Börjesson, M. Isaksson & S. Mattsson Acta Diabetologica 40 , s39–s44 ( 2003) Cite this article 286 Accesses 25 …

X-ray Fluorescence Analysis in Medical Sciences: A Review
    X-ray fluorescence (XRF) is a highly sensitive, non-destructive technique that is able to detect element traces for material elemental analysis. It is now widely used in …

X-ray fluorescence analysis in medical sciences: a …
    X-ray fluorescence (XRF) [1] and neutron activation analy-sis (NAA) [2] are the two main non-invasive methods for invivo element analysis. The NAA method is used for ele …

X-ray fluorescence analysis in medical sciences: a review
    This paper reviews recent advances in in vivo X-ray fluorescence methods and their applications and examines the relationship between observable toxic effects and element …

X-ray fluorescence analysis in medical sciences: a review
    Monitoring and basic occupational and environmental research rely on measurements directly in humans as well as samples from humans and the environment. This paper …

Applications of X-ray fluorescence analysis (XRF) to …
    X-ray fluorescence analysis (XRF) uses characteristic X-rays (called “fluorescence X-rays”) emitted under high-energy X-ray irradiation. XRF has some …

X-ray fluorescence analysis in medical sciences: a review
    X-ray fluorescence analysis in medical sciences: a review Mark Borjesson, J ; Isaksson, M and Mattsson, Sören LU ( 2003 ) In Acta Diabetologica 40(Suppl. 1) . p.39-44 Abstract …

X-ray fluorescence in medicine
    X-ray fluorescence (XRF) is the emission of characteristic secondary (or fluorescent) x-rays from a material that is excited by bombardment of high-energy x …

X-ray fluorescence application in food, feed, and …
    In this review, literature of X-ray fluorescence are extensively researched and summarized from food and agricultural science areas focusing on food safety …

X-ray fluorescence application in food, feed, and …
    In this review, literature of X-ray fluorescence are extensively researched and summarized from food and agricultural science areas focusing on food safety inspection, food …

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